Dealing With Your Insurance Company After Water Damage

July 6, 2024

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Is This Your First Water Damage Claim?

Have you recently experienced burst or leaking pipes in the wall or ceiling? Are you having trouble getting a reasonable response from your insurance company?

Is My Water Damage Covered?

Whether or not water damage is a covered by your insurance is entirely dependent upon the cause of this damage and the terms of your home insurance plan. While insurance companies often cover water damages resulting from a sudden and unexpected event, they rarely cover issues that are the result of poor maintenance and neglect. This is a special concern for policyholders who are dealing with burst pipes. The faster that you address your claim issue, the quicker you can address the resulting water damage problems in your home. Following are a few, common burst pipe insurance claims problems.

Rusted Pipes & Pipe Failures

Rusted pipes are the result of severe corrosion, ongoing wear and tear and insufficient maintenance. Homeowners are expected to have these plumbing components inspected and updated as needed, on a regular basis. If your water damage is the result of rusted pipes that have failed or burst, your insurer may not cover the resulting expenses. Scheduling whole-house plumbing inspections are key for ensuring that potentially costly issues like these are not overlooked. These inspections are especially important in older homes and if you are considering buying a house with polybutylene pipes and tubing.

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Pipes That Burst Due To Freezing

Homeowners are also expected to properly insulate their pipes, particularly when living in areas that regularly experience temperature extremes. While it is not possible to insulate all sections of all pipes, there are other strategies that homeowners can use in their efforts to prevent freezing. These include heating sections of the home in which non-insulated pipes are present and keeping some water running through the pipes whenever temperatures plummet. If you’ve done all these things and have records of regular, whole-house plumbing inspections, your freezing pipe scenario may be covered. Also, we rarely experience sub-freezing temps in Port Saint Lucie or Fort Pierce so this is a very small risk.

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Water Damage vs. Damaged Plumbing

More often than not, water damages are covered by even the most basic home insurance policies. Damages to the actual plumbing system, however, might not be. It’s important to understand your coverage terms and limits, specifically as they apply to circumstances like these. If you’re having a time understanding the language of your policy and are not getting clear explanations from your insurer, it may be time to reach out to our experienced water damage and mold removal company because we can work with your adjuster.

Understand The Burst Pipe Claims Process

Certain events are known as covered perils. For instance, if a tree branch falls and causes damages to your plumbing system, this event and all the resulting losses will be covered. Other events, however, may require inspection by a plumbing expert to determine their cause and the ultimate source of responsibility. Burst pipes are among the most complex insurance claims out there. And they can cause a lot of damage in a short time. We can help you communicate with your insurance claims adjuster, and we can get you dry as soon as they approve the claim.

Want help with your water damage claim? Schedule an inspection with Treasure Coast Mold Pros Today!